+ Support
+ Presence
= Strength
Because every young adult with cancer should feel connected and supported
Why b-present?
b-present was established in memory of Kirsten, whose struggles inspired us to improve the experience for both young adults with cancer and their supporters. We are working to provide the resources that we wish we had as part of the support network and ignite a movement among young adults to amplify the importance of presence.
Kirsten's Story
Our Mission
We improve the quality of life and health outcomes of young adults with cancer through programs that promote and strengthen connections between young adults and their communities of support. -
Our Vision
Every adolescent and young adult diagnosed with cancer feels connected and supported throughout treatment and beyond.
Our Programs
Young adults diagnosed with cancer are required to press pause during such a pivotal time in their lives and often do not receive consistent support from busy friends. Unfortunately, poor support can contribute to a negative response to treatment. Through two key programs, b-aware and b-there, we are empowering the support network and improving the experience of young adults with cancer.
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Our Community
Adolescents and Young Adults ages 15-39 face many unique challenges as they forge new relationships, seek personal and financial independence, attend school, start a career, begin a family, and fund their own medical expenses. When a cancer diagnosis enters this already chaotic phase of life, it can be difficult to find balance and support. b-present works with cancer survivors, supporters, health professionals, advocates, and researchers to understand the needs and develop solutions that best serve AYAs with cancer as well as their communities of support.

Our Research
A recent study showed that approximately two out of every three young adult cancer patients have experienced non-support and can recall someone in their life who they expected would provide support but never did (Ray, 2023). Understanding why people struggle with, or do not offer, support provides a blueprint for developing future training and resources aimed at improving connection and support after a diagnosis. Click the link below to see how we are teaming up with researchers to study and address the social support challenges and gaps, view our recently published study barriers to support, and learn how you can help shape the future of social connection and support after a cancer diagnosis.
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