Support Squad Webinar Series: Part 4
Cancer Support 101: A Friend’s Guide to Authentic Support After a Diagnosis
August 18, 2021 at 5-6:30 pm PT via Zoom
Support from friends is vital to a cancer survivor’s quality of life and health outcomes, but young adults often lack the experience to know what to say or how to help. Many young adults do not know what is needed or how they can make a difference. Fear of bringing the wrong thing or showing up at the wrong time, or everyone showing up at once are all examples of situations that can lead to anxiety, stress, and ultimately poor support.
In Part 4 of our Support Squad Webinar Series, b-present and special guests Julie Germann, Rachel Westlake, and Nick Iannarino will set the support network up for the path of authentic support after a diagnosis. We’ll provide the information they need to identify the desired support, set up the tools to communicate status and needs clearly, and set up the social support network so the survivor receives the support that best meets their needs.

Check out our amazing panel...
Rachel Westlake
Rachel is an Independent Health Advocate, Board Certified Patient Advocate, Founder of Cycadian Health Advocacy and a 2x cancer survivor. She believes survivors have a more fulfilling life after cancer when they have access to resources that suit their unique experience. Cycadian Health Advocacy specializes in helping cancer survivors in the peak of their lives move toward whole-person health by creating customized resources and helping survivors integrate those resources into their lives. -
Nick Iannarino, Ph.D.
Nick is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn researching Cancer Survivors Support and Medical Social Work. Since joining the faculty at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2014, Nick has worked to help young adults living with cancer and their closest supporters communicate better. Nick is on b-present's Advisory Board and is excited to help this community maintain their relationships and support one another during a really difficult time. -
Julie Germann, Ph.D.
Julie is a pediatric psychologist at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas (oncology team in the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders). Her primary clinical and research interests include the impact of child and family hope on coping with illness, particularly the use of Hope Theory.
Moderated by Justin Peters
Justin will be moderating this conversation. He is dedicated to supporting young adults with cancer through his role on the team of the b-present Foundation.

The Purpose
The first time an adolescent or young adult (AYA) hears the news that their friend or loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, they may be at a loss for what this means, and more importantly, how they can be supportive during this difficult time. Young adults ages 15-35, in particular, are at a unique time in their life, and this news can hit especially hard as they put their life on hold. Receiving support from friends is vital to their quality of life and health outcomes, and they need to feel connected and supported every step of the way. But this can be a challenge for friends who may not have the experience of knowing what to do, say, or how to help.
This Support Squad Webinar Series covers a different topic every month and focuses on providing the information and resources supporters need to be present and stay connected for their loved ones throughout treatment and beyond.
Who should attend?
Webinars are free and open to the general public. Topics will focus on the unique challenges the adolescent and young adult population faces and the information needed to be a good supporter.
Although these webinars are focused on the support network, they will include perspectives from patients, survivors, health professionals, researchers, and adolescent and young adult advocates. We will all be called on for support at some point in our lives. We are stronger together when we learn from each other, so please join us.
Stay tuned for more great topics coming soon!
Have a topic you want to hear more about? Contact us.