Friendship and Loss: How Being Present, Not Perfect Can Help You Live with No Regrets

Cancer is full of difficult emotions, from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Here, we discuss the experience of loss and how to maximize the time you have together.

The catalyst for change

The b-present mission started with a lived experience: we lost our inspirational force, Kirsten, to leukemia in 2016. This loss felt abrupt and inexplicable: shortly after ringing the bell to signify the end of her treatment, an infection set in that, without an immune system, her body was unable to fight. The unexpected end to her story shattered the lives of all who knew and loved Kirsten. 

Survivors’ Guilt and Isolation After Loss

When we hear about survivors’ guilt, we often hear stories from cancer survivors who feel immense guilt that they are still alive and their friend with cancer is not. Supporters of a loved one often feel lost and alone as they struggle to process losing someone so young. 

Friends may be uncomfortable talking about death and are quick to change the subject when it comes up, or they may listen but are at a loss for how to offer comfort and support. The result? The friend or survivor is left feeling even more isolated and alone at a time when they could use a friend the most.

“I almost felt this sense of guilt carrying out my life still after the fact,” said Kelly, Kirsten’s friend since first grade. “I almost felt like, how is this fair? … I am here and I am able to do this … and Kirsten is not.” 

Kirsten (left) and Kelly (right) celebrating Kirsten’s 10th birthday.


We know we are not alone in experiencing this loss. As part of our mission, sharing our genuine emotions and experiences is vital to help  others out there who may be going through similar difficult times. 

In the seventh episode of our Support Squad webinar series, Kirsten’s friends Kelly, Bri, and Jordann offered candid insights into their journey as friends and supporters of a young adult going through cancer. 

‘It’s very isolating’

Life was looking up after Kirsten rang the bell, celebrating the end of her cancer treatment, which is why all of her friends were surprised by her subsequent rapid downward spiral. Kelly, Bri, and Jordann agreed—none of them thought the last time they saw Kirsten would be the last time.

“I remember walking through the grocery store and everyone is moving around me and living these lives and I am numb,” said Brianna. “Looking back, you always wish that you visited more. A lot of times it’s realizing that you don’t need to be perfect to show up … Even if you showed up for an hour.”

Be Present, Not Perfect. 

We say ‘live life with no regrets,’ but many young adults have never experienced a peer that has been diagnosed with cancer, and fewer have experienced losing a friend at such a young age. 

“Shocking doesn’t even begin to describe the experience,” Jordann said. “Cancer is one of the most complicated things you can go through regardless of the role you play in it.” 

From left to right: Jordann, Bri, and Kirsten at a concert.


Learning the news of a friend’s diagnosis can be both devastating and surreal. It can feel like a complete shock, and the array of reactions to this life-changing news is normal and expected. 

“It felt like I was watching a movie. It didn’t feel real.”

Feeling closed off and isolated, wanting to ‘fix’ the problem, and jumping in to do everything and anything you can—having so many unanswered questions is the hardest part.

  • What type of cancer is it? 
  • What is the prognosis? 
  • What’s appropriate to say? 
  • How can I be there for her?
  • How can I support my friend? 


It is normal to want everything to be perfect, but striving for perfection can get in the way of simply being present. 

At b-present, we are passionate about empowering the network of people that will be present for their loved ones. Social support is critical to a newly diagnosed young adult’s cancer journey and health outcomes. b-present is on a mission to improve the experience for both young adults with cancer and their supporters. 

“Supportive friends are a huge untapped resource.” 

Young adults diagnosed with cancer are required to press pause during such a pivotal time in their lives and often do not receive consistent support, leading to isolation and poor quality of life. The health care system is often at capacity, and caregivers are stretched to their limits. Friends have this incredible opportunity to provide some relief to their friend with cancer and the people who care for them—finding the time and making time to be present with your loved one has a tangible impact on your friend and the support network. And remember, you don’t need to do something big to make a big difference. 

Every person has the potential to provide the support and love that is needed during this difficult time, and yet isolation is still a problem. So what’s the problem? Inexperience? Fear? No time? We find all kinds of excuses not to stay connected. The challenge is to turn that response on its head, get out of your own way, and lean into the fear, self-doubt, and the awkward unknown. 


The experience is often new for everyone, so take comfort in knowing you are in it together and finding your way. Try not to get hung up on the perfect support experience. Instead, stay authentic to your relationship, and accept that there will be imperfections and mistakes along the way. Have patience and be kind to each other, find forgiveness when mistakes happen, and keep moving forward together. The rewards will be many, but the best will be the lifelong bond and stronger relationship that grows out of overcoming adversity together. 

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Everything You Need to Know About the LGBTQIA+ Cancer Community 

This June, in honor of Pride Month, we are partnering with Escape, an organization created to provide a sense of Escape for LGBTQIA+ Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers, to amplify awareness for LGBTQ Cancer Awareness Week. 


LGBTQ+ Cancer Awareness Week

Information on the impact of cancer on the LGBTQIA+ community is limited, and this week (the second week of June) is to highlight the need for comprehensive LGBTQIA+ cancer support services and care. LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and/or Questioning, and Asexual and/or Ally. Adolescents and Young Adults make up the majority of LGBTQIA+ Openly Identifying individuals in the USA.

LGBTQ+ Living With HIV Increase Risk of Cancer 

During the early ’80s to ’90s, a whole generation of LGBTQ+ elders was lost due to the lack of support from the US government or institutions that were supposed to help. The LGBTQ+ community had to rely on each other for support, education, and survival during the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The medical trauma continues today as we continue to fight for access to adequate care. For those living with HIV having access to gender-affirming medical care to prevent the risks of developing cancer is critical. Since HIV attacks the immune system, it’s important to detect cancer risks early through regular check-ups and cancer screenings.

We are all connected and must do our part to support each other. Be informed, learn about how we can help each other, and address barriers to medical care. 

Grief and Loss Among the LGBTQ+ Cancer Community 

Navigating cancer is already hard and can be even more difficult without community support or appropriate care. Support through grief can look different for the LGBTQIA+ cancer community. LGBTQIA+ people experience a loss of community due to community rejection or rejection by friends and family and multiple bereavements, leaving them isolated during a cancer diagnosis.

If you are currently supporting an LGBTQIA+ person grieving the loss of an LGBTQIA+ loved one who has passed from cancer, be sure to validate their feelings and provide a shoulder to cry on. They deserve to feel safe, cared for, and seen fully for their wonderful, authentic self as they process the loss and honor the memory of their loved one.

The Transgender Cancer Community

Transgender youth are being targeted in the United States, as the challenges of accessing gender-affirming care are becoming more and more difficult due to anti-trans legislation being passed nationwide. Insurance companies have been granted authority to choose what is covered in their plans, making treatments or procedures like gender-affirming surgery (not covered by insurance). Cancer preventative care has also been denied to individuals who have had their gender marker removed. While we continue to fight for proper representation and awareness, there is still much that has to be done to change the care given to transgender youth diagnosed with cancer. 


Self & Community Care

As an LGBTQIA+ person, self-care may take more intention due to additional stressors like the lack of support, rejection from friends or family, and discrimination from healthcare professionals or institutions. In addition to that, being diagnosed with cancer can change the way an LGBTQIA+ person practices self-care. Like allowing themselves to accept their body can’t physically do what it was able to before cancer.

Community care is a huge component of self-care because, oftentimes, having the right people around us is exactly what is needed. We will all be impacted by cancer at some point in our lives, whether as a patient or a supporter. We must help each other, knowing we will need to lean on others in the future. 


Understand what it means to be an LGBTQIA+ patient with cancer

It’s important to learn more about the challenges and health disparities most LGBTQIA+ face due to the lack of knowledge and awareness within the healthcare system for LGBTQIA+ community members.  There are many organizations out there like The Fenway InstituteNational LGBT Cancer NetworkEscapeQueering Cancer, and so many more that have resources available for cancer patients who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Cancer can happen to anyone, and sexual orientation and gender identity should not prevent anyone from getting adequate and appropriate support.

One of the greatest challenges most LGBTQIA+ face is the lack of comfortability, affecting overall experience and health. This community often struggles with sharing personal and vital information for fear of discrimination, trauma related to treatment, lack of treatment due to unpleasant prior experiences, or inadequate/improper health care due to lack of knowledge around the LGBTQIA+ community. Not being appropriately treated or denied access to appropriate screening or check-ups not only increases the inability to treat an LGBTQIA+ patient because of a lack of trust and comfortability but also contributes to cancer patients’ health conditions worsening due to a lack of proper medical care. 

Thankfully there is hope, as much is being actively pursued to obtain long-term results that lead to better cancer care for the LGBTQIA+ community from screening, diagnosis, treatment, and beyond.


Talking Tips to Help you Avoid the Pitfalls as a Supporter

In cancer conversations, comments intended to express empathy or comfort can backfire when they are dismissive of the person’s situation, choices, decisions, or emotions.


  • It’s normal and natural to feel unsure about what to say. The fact that you feel uncertain means you care about your friend’s feelings.
  • Avoid commenets that are dismissive of their diagnosis, experience, how they are feeling, or their choices.
  • Only offer advice when asked.
  • Do your best to be mindful, but don’t over-filter what you say.
  • It’s important to own up to your mistakes. Apologize. Learn from it and then move forward. We are stronger together and better when we can learn from each other.
  • The best thing you can do is be present and aware of their physical and emotional state


Navigating Cancer with your Friend and Moving Forward Together

Finding out your friend has cancer can be scary and overwhelming but having a shared understanding of what’s ahead is essential so that you can best support your friend during treatment and beyond. Everyone responds differently. Your friend’s support may vary based on many factors: mood, treatment, and care plan. Remember to always respect their privacy.

Connection, support, and normalcy are the things your friend needs from you; learn how your friend wants to be supported. Remain authentic, and remember that the diagnosis has not changed who your friend is on the inside. Your friend won’t always know what to ask for, just listen and provide a safe space for them to process. 

Help comes in many forms, so find positive and meaningful ways to make their day better. Make sure to establish a support network for your friend so that you can stay consistent, coordinated, and connected, as support is vital to your cancer friend’s quality of life. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Make time to recharge, heal, and keep your mental health in check by asking for help from a therapist, friend, counselor, trained social worker, or other trusted confidant (always remembering your friend’s privacy wishes). Make the most of every moment and be present. 


Learn More About How You Can Support 

Educate yourself on how to support a loved one with cancer better. Check out the different organizations specifically curated to help support LGBTQIA+ cancer patients and LGBTQIA+ caregivers and how you can be a part of the progress. 


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