A Letter to Parents of a Young Adult Diagnosed with Cancer

Seven years ago today, Kirsten called with news that changed our lives forever. I still have the text exchange on my phone from July 26, 2015. She was away at college, very sick with what she thought was the flu, and a caring friend was driving her around trying to find an urgent care facility that would see her (i.e. accept her insurance). The situation was getting desperate when she texted me for help. As I frantically searched for a location in her area online, another text came through…

“Did you figure it out yet? I am f*king dying here.”

Ugh. Little did we realize. After giving up and telling her to go to the emergency room, I would wait anxiously for two hours before we would hear from her again. That call is the one that will bring parents to their knees. “The doctor says I have leukemia, and he is trying to find a hospital that has beds available. He said I need to go right away.” 

From Kirsten’s diagnosis to the tragic loss, life was disorienting, chaotic, emotional, and exhausting. We felt like we were constantly climbing the cancer learning curve, with so many lessons learned along the way. What I would have given for my future self to offer a few helpful tips before stepping into Kirsten’s hospital room for the first time later that night. 

Over time, we all become experts of our own unique experience with cancer, so my hindsight may have its limits. But in memory and in honor of Kirsten’s experience and the challenges we experienced navigating the ups and downs as parents of a young adult with cancer, I offer the following advice to other parents who have recently been informed their (young adult) child has cancer. 

Parents, find a balance between giving care and giving space

As a parent, when your child is very ill, no matter what age, it is natural to want to do everything you can to protect them. But for a young adult, that can sometimes feel smothering. Have the awareness and take the time to ask them how they want to be supported. Recognize when your care is helpful and when it might feel like too much.

I often felt like I needed to be in the room with Kirsten in case something bad happened. But bad things may happen whether you are there or not, so for your mental health and theirs, find time to take for yourselves (and give them alone time). When you are in the room with them, they may not be able to truly act and feel like themselves.

If they were an independent young adult before the diagnosis, it can be very frustrating to lose that sense of freedom and control. Yes, they will need your help. But give them control where you can, even if it is just giving them a choice about what they want to eat, when they want some alone time, or who they want to visit (or not), etc. When Kirsten’s friends came to visit, we stepped away but let her know we were a text away if needed. 

Parents, do what you can to mitigate physical and emotional isolation.

One thing that has become very clear over the last seven years, the health risks from isolation can have lasting effects. Look for the signs, and work with the psychosocial team to mitigate the impact where possible. Isolation is more than just being alone in a room. It can be felt when they can’t express how they are feeling, when they are unable to do normal activities, and when they don’t have access to peers with shared experiences. And when we apply labels like “you are strong” or “you are an inspiration,” they feel they have to live up to the label, preventing them from sharing how they are really feeling.

By providing a safe space for young adults to share their emotions – name them, understand them, and process them – they can cope and move forward. So when they are sharing how they feel, try not to change the subject, attempt to fix it, or be dismissive. All of those responses invalidate their feelings. Also, there are some topics they need to talk about, but you or other members of the support team might not be the right audience. Depending on the topic, other peers, a trained health professional, or therapist is needed. The best help you can offer in those situations is to ask how they need to be supported and then help them find those other resources.

A word of caution, hospital privacy rules can be a major impediment to meeting others going through a shared experience. Often they are just down the hall, but you will never know. Remember, YOU have control over your own privacy wishes – the best way to meet others may be to give the hospital staff permission to let others know you are there and want to meet. Provide it in writing if needed. Kirsten would do the same thing to seek out other patients. As a consenting adult, she would provide her cell phone number and give the doctors and nurses permission to share it with anyone her age who wanted to meet in the hospital. The rest was up to the recipients to follow through. Your mental health depends on connection and having outlets and people to talk things through, so find ways to make it happen. 

Parents, respect their boundaries and right to private conversations with their medical team.

Let them be the ones in control of the speed and direction of information flow with the health professionals. Their body, life, and future are at stake – give them the opportunity to have full access to the information that affects their future – they should feel comfortable speaking freely, asking questions, answering honestly, and being involved in the decision-making process. Also, respect their privacy boundaries – and try to have the awareness to know when conversations head in that direction and offer to step out without being asked.

And this can’t be emphasized strongly enough…if it gets to the point where they ask you to step out of the room, do it without making them feel bad. It takes courage to speak up, and they need to feel safe making that request. Remember, it is not personal, and it’s not about you. Private topics can include family planning and fertility preservation, sexual activity, and lifestyle choices. For some topics, like fertility, they may not have thought about it until this moment, but they deserve to know how their treatment will impact their future ability to have a family.

There is nothing worse than feeling like, “why didn’t anyone tell me?!” after treatment is over (or it’s too late to take action). Kirsten was very engaged and curious about her condition, treatment, and how it impacted her future. Due to the severity of her cancer, she did not have the time to consider fertility preservation. Still, the information provided by the medical and psychosocial team helped her gain control over one of her biggest fears – fear of the unknown.

Parents, don’t assume you know what they need, be sure to ask.

As an independent young adult, the last thing they want to feel is dependent on their parents again, but they will need and want your support. Just make sure the support you offer is the support they want. Physical and emotional needs will change as treatment and other factors change. Be mindful and present in the moment when you are with them. It will help you tune in to pick up on the spoken and unspoken cues. That means leaving work, other family stress, financial concerns, etc., outside the room when you can.

But even when you are “dialed in” after spending months together, you will still get it wrong. It’s inevitable. But by taking the time to ask the simple but important question, “How can I support you today?” you are allowing them to regain control over what they can control, and in the process, you are getting them what they need. They may not always have an answer (which is okay too), but at least you extended the courtesy of asking. 

Parents, where possible, preserve normalcy, including activities, family time, and routines.

When a diagnosis happens, it’s all hands on deck to save a life, and all focus shifts to the person with cancer. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and that long-term focused attention can create collateral damage to other family members and relationships. As soon as possible, check in as a family and establish some important ground rules to keep the lines of communication open, find routines that you can sustain, and identify activities that are important to maintain.

Siblings are often asked to take on extra chores, help with school, and sometimes even pick up a job to help with finances. They may sacrifice activities with friends or school milestones because they feel the need to always be strong and mindful of their sibling with cancer. Unfortunately, jealousy, resentment, frustration, and isolation can build up over time, and they will feel isolated, and their mental health will suffer. Give them breaks, have one-on-one time with them to talk and allow them to do special activities. Make sure they still get to live life and have time to enjoy friends.

And for spouses or life partners, make time for each other as well. Plan your own private time away from the hospital together to talk and reconnect. Remember, your child will also want their quiet time, so this is a great opportunity for everyone’s self-care and mental health. 

Parents, watch for signs of financial stress and guilt.

The physical and emotional toll of cancer is bad enough, but the financial damage caused by cancer is also devastating and often hard to recover from. Cancer treatment and all of the secondary costs, including lodging, food, and alternate care for family, can add up FAST. When Kirsten was first diagnosed, we had no idea what to expect, and that one-week hotel reservation turned into a three-month extended stay – and it was out of network for health insurance. And since Kirsten was an adult being treated in the children’s hospital, none of us had access to any available services that would have helped offset those costs.

In the three months we were displaced, we would burn through nearly $40K of non-reimbursable expenses – just for lodging! That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the bills I saw go back and forth between the hospital and the insurance company. Without insurance, everything we had saved for the last 30 years would have been gone by the time treatment was over. My husband was between jobs, and we had no idea what would be approved or denied during treatment. Only after Kirsten was transferred back to San Diego would we become aware of just how stressed she was about the cost of her treatment and her concern for how it impacted all of our futures. That is a heavyweight for a young adult with cancer to bear on top of everything else. 

Parents, asking for and accepting/declining support is stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.

Support stresses everyone out at some level. Those in your circle who want to support worry about calling at a bad time, offering the wrong thing, or making things worse, not better. Remember, people want to help, and sometimes all they need are clear directions. And when you are the one in need of support, there is the stress of being a burden, seeming needy, weak, or incapable of caring for your own family, or on the flip side, not being in the mood for the support that is being offered and feeling guilty declining.

So much energy is wasted on the stress of communicating needs and offers of support. I regret not accepting the offers from friends and family. It would have given us welcome relief and the support system the joy of feeling helpful, making a difference, and providing comfort when someone needed them.

Reducing this stress is easier said than done, but one possible tactic is to make a list of all the things preventing you from being present for a loved one that you find yourself thinking about but don’t have the time to do. Post that list (or have it ready to share when people call or text) and let your network pick and choose what they feel comfortable helping with.

When you decline offers for support, provide constructive feedback that allows the support network to make helpful improvements for next time. Things like exhaustion, diet restrictions, changes to smell or taste, and other sensitivities are all perfectly acceptable reasons for declining or requesting an alternative. “Thank you for the offer. I’m not feeling well today. Can we reschedule for another time?” or “I appreciate the offer to bring ___, but a better alternative would be ___.” Honest and thoughtful guidance will make it better for you and them next time. 

Parents, find a method of communication that works for you and them.

The tools you need to communicate with family may be very different from those you need to communicate with their young adult friends. Find the tools and resources that make life easier, not harder, to keep everyone updated and engaged. There are lots of resources out there. Ask the care team and other caregivers and patients to find out what they use.

Respect privacy, and make it clear to others what they can or can not share. You don’t have to personalize every email – people understand and appreciate any updates. It also opens the door for them to reply when they might otherwise avoid connecting for fear of disturbing you. Also, consider how your updates will affect young adults reading it for the first time. For many, the news, and even the updates, can feel very scary, and have them worrying about death and even questioning their own mortality.

It is okay not to provide updates until you have more information. Avoid throwing the word cancer out there and then going radio silent for days. Only share information with people that you know and trust. And don’t be afraid to remove or block people that feel toxic or are less than helpful. Information sharing is first and foremost to help people provide support and comfort. If they create more work and stress for you than comfort, it is okay to take a break from connecting with them. 

Parents, be patient, be kind, and find forgiveness.

Being in close proximity for extended periods, mixed with fear, uncertainty, loss of independence, and friendships combine to turn life into a giant pressure cooker. The stress is enough to end relationships, break up marriages, create long-term resentment amongst siblings and parents, and unfortunately, contributes to all kinds of physical and emotional baggage down the road. It will be hard work to keep it together sometimes, but for everyone’s sake, do your best to act with kindness and when that fails, gather the courage to ask for and find forgiveness.

When feelings start to escalate, breathe. Have the self-control to take a break and walk away (but don’t storm away). It doesn’t do any good to argue and negatively impacts their health and yours. The closer we are, the more comfortable we are to vent and even say hurtful things. Hold the space for each other to express those feelings and try not to take them personally. Mistakes will be made but do your best. That is all anyone can ask

Keep your head up. Take care of yourself and each other. There will be good days and bad days, but every day you get to spend with each other is a gift. Many things about cancer are out of your control. So don’t waste time worrying about those. What you do have control over is how you choose to live each day and how you choose to treat each other. Do your best to make every day a little better.

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The Bond of a Cancer Best Friend

The Story of Shauna and Rosalina

Cancer best friend: a person that you met on your cancer journey that you share your experience with, and someone you can truly lean on for whatever you need during your cancer experience.

We often place more focus on sibling—or parent—relationships when talking about cancer diagnosis and treatment and how they provide support, but we don’t talk as much about the immense importance of friendships.

Friendships during a cancer diagnosis are game-changing. Friendships allow individuals to adjust to the changes cancer brings, have a more positive outlook, and often report a better quality of life. Friendships that are forged as a result of a cancer diagnosis can be some of the strongest bonds, as such a small number of people truly know what a cancer patient is going through. This is the case for Rosalina and Shauna, two best friends on opposite sides of the country who are now best friends after meeting through their cancer diagnoses.

The Bond of a Cancer Best Friend

Cancer Best Friends: Shauna and Rosalina

Shauna and Rosalina, both diagnosed with hormone-positive breast cancer before age 35, met through a Facebook support group where both had an intense desire to start a podcast to share their cancer experience.

“What I’ve learned [breast cancer] happens more in older women and not necessarily younger women. I felt really alone, and then I just woke up the day after my mastectomy surgery and thought, I’m sick of being angry and feeling alone.

I joined all these Facebook support groups and posted to each, sharing my story and asking if there’s anyone out there around my age that has a similar experience and wants to be a co-host of a podcast with me.

I met Shauna, and I felt like when we did our first zoom meeting together, I just thought that we clicked automatically. I kept thinking about Shauna for like the next couple of days and finally realized she would be a perfect fit for this podcast, and she is so. I’m super glad to have met her.”

Too Young For This Sh*t

Together Shauna and Rosalina started the podcast ‘Too Young For This Shit’ with the mission to bring awareness of breast cancer to young women and create a supportive space where no one is alone on this journey. In episodes, they dive deep into their treatment plans, journeys, struggles, and mental health as they navigate life in their “new” normal.

Even though they are on opposite sides of the country, they have been there for each other and have learned from each other along the way.

“I don’t think I could do it without her. I wouldn’t be where I am right now without her. We are such a good team, we have gone through our cancer journeys together, even on different chemo regimens, and we still had each other’s backs throughout the entire time. We are always texting and on the phone. I’m crying. She’s crying. I try to be super funny at certain times where she is super serious.”

What Shauna and Rosalina Taught Us

A few pieces of advice that we learned from Shauna and Rosalina on what friendship means during a cancer experience include:

  • Laugh together: Be humorous and funny in the right situations and when needed. A funny story, meme, or joke can help lighten the mood and make your friend’s day.
  • Allow space for all emotions (including sadness and frustration): Be a safe and open space for your friend to feel whatever emotion they need to express. Do not steer away from uncomfortable topics or emotions.
  • Talk about topics other than cancer: Your friend is still the same person they were before their diagnosis. Ask about interests, hobbies, or other topics they enjoy. Do you both enjoy a podcast, book series, TV show? Talk about your shared interests to allow them to take a break from talking about their cancer.
  • Ask permission: Asking is always a good place to start. Ask how they want to be supported that day. If they are up for a visit, ask if you can ask questions or talk about certain topics. More important than asking is to ask in a way that your friend knows that saying ‘no’ is a totally valid and acceptable answer.


Learn more about cancer best friends Shauna and Rosalina on our podcast, The Support Report with b-present.

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Supporting AYA Cancer Patients Impacted by the Overturn of Roe vs. Wade

Effects of Roe v. Wade Overturn on AYA Cancer Patients

Here at b-present, we boldly and proudly support our adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer community. We are committed to ensuring the survivors we work with feel seen, heard and less alone, and have access to the support and resources they need to navigate their experience –on their own terms– during treatment and beyond. The Roe v. Wade decision has created new challenges within the community that we are only beginning to understand. It has challenged organizations to take a hard look at their mission and values to navigate the messy, sometimes uncomfortable, conflicted, emotional discussions to decide where they stand, often in the face of their own personal beliefs. We respect one another at b-present,  hold space to listen and feel heard, and are proud of our commitment to the AYA cancer community.  

To the AYA cancer community that is hurting right now in the wake of the Roe v. Wade decision, we stand with you. We will continue to advocate for you through education and information that creates awareness, empathy, and advocacy within your own support network for the new and difficult challenges you face as a result of this ruling. This is our first step in offering that support. 

For supporters who may be unaware of how this decision may affect loved ones with cancer, we’re here to educate and support you, too. Being a good supporter does not require you to change your beliefs or who you are. Providing support does entail listening to understand what your loved one is going through, and standing with them so they are not alone during this difficult time. Some AYA cancer patients and survivors will need your support now more than ever, so here’s what you need to know:

As noted by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), “access to quality care begins with open and candid communication between patients and physicians about the patient’s diagnosis, underlying health status, comorbidities, goals of treatment, and medically appropriate, evidence-based treatment options. For some cancer patients, doctor-patient communication and shared decision-making will include consideration of pregnancy, fertility, and abortion. The overruling of Roe v. Wade and actions by the states after the decision will limit access to appropriate care and stifle open communication between health professionals and cancer patients that supports patient-centered decision-making and care.” 

At Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with cancer while pregnant is so many people’s worst nightmare, and according to the American Cancer Society, this nightmare occurs in “up to 1 in 1,000 pregnant women each year.” In considering which medical approach to take for cancer treatment, pregnant patients and their healthcare professionals must additionally weigh the risk of treatment on fetal development if the pregnancy is continued.

While there are treatment regimens for some cancers that are possible during pregnancy, there are other treatments that are either not safe during pregnancy (such as chemotherapy during the first trimester and radiation), or there isn’t enough data to attest to their safety during pregnancy. This can leave some pregnant patients with heart-wrenching decisions to make: terminate the pregnancy that was likely wanted or delay cancer treatment at the risk of their cancer growing, spreading, or becoming untreatable. Now, in many states, patients are losing the ability to have these conversations and decisions with their healthcare providers—forced to prioritize a pregnancy over timely and evidence-based care to improve their cancer treatment outcomes.


During Treatment

While most people won’t actively try to get pregnant during cancer treatment, accidents happen, and pregnancies can occur. These patients may now be forced to adjust or dangerously delay their cancer treatments. Additionally, there are concerns among the medical community about the implications of the overturn of Roe v. Wade on the use of medications that can cause birth defects when terminating affected pregnancies is no longer an option. There have already been reports of individuals capable of becoming pregnant facing barriers to receiving their methotrexate prescription, which can treat numerous diseases and certain cancers.


Fertility Preservation & Family Planning

It’s no secret that cancer can steal a person’s fertility, but did you know that it can be difficult for cancer patients and survivors to adopt children? Some adoption agencies require the patient to be in remission for five years and to provide a recommendation from their oncologist that they are not at high risk of recurrence in order to even be considered as an adoptive parent, and even then, people have reported it can still be incredibly difficult to get approved. That leaves fertility preservation and IVF as the only option for many cancer survivors to start a family.

But if states define life as the point of conception, IVF and fertility preservation could be considered illegal. These procedures require the physician to discard unviable or extra embryos that they’ve collected in this process, which could be considered a termination of life in states where life legally begins at fertilization. This decision could drastically impact cancer survivors struggling with infertility who wish to have children. 


How to Support

Be present for your loved ones who are currently affected by the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Actively listen to what they’re going through, what pain and grief they may be feeling, and hold their hand through it. Don’t try to provide solutions unless they ask for them; just listen and affirm that yes, this really does suck, and their feelings are completely valid. 



If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to seek authoritative resources to better understand the health care implications and real stories within the AYA cancer community.  Read about the impact of state policies, the compiled list of responses from  U.S. cancer centers, advocacy groups, professional societies, and medical journals, and the position of AYA cancer advocacy organizations have taken concerning the impact of the Roe v. Wade decision on the young adult’s ability to navigate cancer treatment and survivorship on their terms.

For free, phone-based counseling to offer compassionate, unbiased, nondiscriminatory support, including faith-based non-abortion support: All-Options

If you or the person you’re supporting are seeking information on where to access a legal abortion, this site helps you find a clinic and does not save user data: INeedAnA.com

To learn more about how to identify regulated, licensed, and credentialed facilities to support safe family planning: Healthline

For a free, confidential helpline where you can get legal information regarding abortion access: ReproLegalHelpline.org

For financial and logistical needs regarding abortion access: National Network of Abortion Funds

To join advocacy efforts to improve abortion access: Bans Off Our Bodies

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