How to Support a Friend After a Mastectomy: Tangible Ways to Show You Care

Supporting a friend after a mastectomy can make a significant difference in their recovery and emotional well-being. Whether you’re nearby or far away, there are many meaningful ways you can offer your support. Here’s a guide to help you be there for your friend in tangible and impactful ways.

In-Person Support After a Mastectomy

1. Help with Daily Tasks

After such a big surgery, your friend will need time to rest and recover. Offer to help with daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry. These tasks might seem small, but they can be overwhelming for someone recovering from surgery.

2. Provide Transportation

Driving can be difficult after a mastectomy, especially if your friend is on pain medication. Offer to drive them to and from medical appointments, social gatherings, or even just for a change of scenery.

3. Create a Comfortable Space

Comfort is key during recovery. Help your friend set up a cozy recovery area with pillows, blankets, and easy access to necessities. Consider gifting items like mastectomy pillows (we love Sleep Again Pillows), soft robes, and button-front shirts that are easier to wear post-surgery.

4. Offer Emotional Support

Sometimes, just being there is the best support you can offer. Spend time with your friend, listen to their concerns, and provide a shoulder to lean on. Bring over their favorite movies, books, or board games to help distract them and lift their spirits. 


Remote Support After a Mastectomy

1. Send Care Packages

If you can’t be there in person, sending a care package is a wonderful way to show you care. Include items like skincare products, comforting snacks, uplifting books, and handwritten notes.

2. Virtual Check-Ins

Schedule regular video calls to check in on your friend. Virtual hangouts can provide much-needed social interaction and help them feel less isolated. Use apps like Zoom, FaceTime, or even social media platforms to stay connected.

3. Organize a Meal Train

Set up a meal train with friends and family to ensure your friend has home-cooked meals during their recovery. Websites like Meal Train or Take Them a Meal make it easy to coordinate and sign up for meal deliveries.

4. Send Flowers or Cards

Brighten their day with a bouquet of flowers or a thoughtful card. These small gestures can provide a significant morale boost and remind them they are loved and supported.


Additional Tips for Supporting a Friend After a Mastectomy

1. Respect Their Boundaries

Recovery is a personal experiene, and everyone handles it differently. Be mindful of your friend’s needs and respect their boundaries. Ask before visiting and be understanding if they need space.

2. Educate Yourself

Learn about mastectomies and the recovery process. Understanding what your friend is going through will help you provide better support and empathy.

3. Offer Long-Term Support

Support doesn’t end after the initial recovery period. Continue to check in on your friend, celebrate milestones, and be there for them as they navigate life after surgery.


By offering thoughtful and practical support, you can make a significant impact on your friend’s recovery journey. Remember, the most important thing is to show you care and to be there in whatever way you can. 


Learn more about supporting a friend:

Empowerment Unleashed: Be the Supporter Your Loved One with Cancer Needs

When someone you care about is facing cancer, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about how best to support them. But guess what? You’ve got the power to make a real, positive impact! At b-present, we’re all about empowering supporters like you to step up with confidence and heart. In this blog, we will take a look at how you can be the supporter your loved one needs.


What is Empowerment?

Empowerment means we have the confidence in our abilities and feel in control of our actions and the value they have on impacting outcomes. When we feel empowered, we are more likely to take action, do hard things, and lean into challenges with courage, and with eyes wide open that we may make mistakes, but working through the imperfections is better than the feeling of taking no action at all. We are more likely to feel empowered when we stay authentic, leveraging our own strengths, and understanding when and where we might need some help. 

Our motto: Be Present, Not Perfect.


Why Empowerment Matters 

Empowerment gives you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to make a difference. It turns those feelings of helplessness into action, ensuring you’re equipped to handle both the practical and emotional challenges that come with supporting your loved ones with cancer.


Tools to Elevate Your Support Game

We’ve created research-based and community reviewed resources that help improve empathy and understanding, strengthen communication, and help adolescents and young adults with cancer and their social support network stay connected throughout treatment and beyond. 

The Supporter Roadmap

A vital tool for anyone wondering how to stay connected and provide meaningful support after a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer.

The b-there App

Designed for busy young adults balancing life and being supportive friends. Survivors can share their status, manage activities, and request needed items. Supporters can check updates and sign up to fulfill wish list items. Staying connected has never been easier!


Education for Practical and Emotional Support

Education is key to empowerment. Here’s how you can prepare yourself to be a strong pillar of support.

Understanding Their Needs: Every cancer experience is unique, and understanding your loved one’s specific needs is crucial. Listen actively, ask questions, and be present. Sometimes, the best support is simply being there and showing you care. Other times the best support is giving them space to rest and recharge, because that is what they need.

Effective Communication: The value of strong, empathetic communication cannot be overstated. 

Check out the blog below on how to embrace different communication styles. 

Embracing Different Communication Styles Within Cancer Support Networks

Resource Roundup: Equip yourself with resources that can make a tangible difference. From local support groups to online forums, there’s a wealth of information out there. b-present resources are a great place to start! From helpful guides to heartfelt stories to expert advice, we cover it all. 

    • Explore our video library on YouTube for survivor and supporter stories, as well as tips and tricks for supporting a loved one.
    • Tune into our podcast, The Support Report wth b-present, where we share real stories from young adults and how support impacted their lives.
    • Our blog is packed with articles designed to empower you with knowledge and insight.


Tackling Emotional Challenges

Supporting a loved one with cancer can often feel like an emotional rollercoaster. It’s crucial to manage your own well-being while being there for your loved one.

Self-Care is Essential: Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your self-care to ensure you’re in the best position to offer support. This could be as simple as a daily walk, meditation, or talking to a friend.

Building a Support Network: It’s okay to ask for support. Connect with other supporters through our community programs. Sharing experiences and advice can provide much-needed emotional relief and practical insights.

Seeking Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Therapists, counselors, and support groups can offer valuable guidance and support for both you and your loved one.


Advocacy and Making a Difference

Every action, no matter how seemingly small, holds the power to transform someone’s life. There are so many opportunities to continue to have an impact. 

Raise Awareness and Get Involved
Use your voice to raise awareness about AYA cancer by sharing stories, participating in events, volunteering and using social media to spread the word. 

If you are in the Southern California area, we host events such as happy hours, trivia, pickleball, and more! Follow us on social to stay in the loop.

Donate Blood or Be the Match: Many young adult cancer patients rely on blood transfusions as part of their treatment. Consider donating blood to help ensure a steady supply for those in need. Additionally, registering as a bone marrow or stem cell donor could potentially save a life.


Let’s transform support into action, one bold step at a time. With b-present by your side, you’re never alone.


Learn more about supporting a friend: