Helpful Organizations
Authoritative Organizations on Cancer
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Coalition COVID-19
Advocacy Education Research
American Cancer Society has more than 3400 local community chapters who provide support, financial assistance and counseling for anyone affected by cancer.
Annie Appleseed Project provides information, education and advocacy about complementary, alternative and integrative cancer care for survivors, families and providers.
ASCP Patient Champions program empowers patients, caregivers and advocates through education and awareness about diagnostics, lab tests, and follow-up care through the real-life stories of patients, our Patient Champions.
Be The Match For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the past 30 years Be The Match ® , operated by the National Marrow Donor Program ® (NMDP), has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world.
Cancer 101 provides cancer resources that empowers patients, survivors, caregivers through individualized organizational tools and resources.
Cancer Core Recovery Project is an organization helping individuals recovering from cancer overcome their body’s new limitations post surgery and treatment so they can live a better quality of life. The organization provides educational workout videos, instructional training manuals and develops exercise programs for cancer survivors to help rehabilitate their bodies after surgery.
Cancer Support Community provides professional support services for anyone affected by cancer with an emphasis on quality-of-life survivorship issues.
Cancer Warrior Alliance delivers cancer support resource information to the cancer community by building relationships with and providing resource information to clinics, hospitals and those affected by cancer.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The work of CDC includes innovative communication approaches to promote cancer prevention, screening and early detection, research, and evidence-based programs.
ChemoCare provides online resources about chemotherapy treatments and managing side effects featuring survivor forums, message boards, nutritional counseling and long-term concerns.
ChemoDivas improves the experience for women of color battling cancer by sharing financial support, educational resources and support groups that are relevant to their community.
Cure CURE Media Group’s flagship product, CURE magazine, is the indispensable guide to every stage of the cancer experience. CURE Media Group’s offerings also include its online resource; live meetings; a resource guide for the newly diagnosed; and the Extraordinary Healer national nursing award. CURE Media Group combines science and humanity to make cancer understandable.
CureSearch accelerates the search for cures for children’s cancer by driving innovation, overcoming research barriers, and solving the field’s most challenging problems by catapulting strong medical research and providing resources and education
Dean Paras Foundation funds Neuroendocrine Cancer Research and funds a Graduate Fellowship in BioMedical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. Constantine “Dean” Paras, was a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. While at Vanderbilt, Dean and his team had developed and produced a device for use in parathyroid and thyroid surgery that has been patented and is being produced for use in operating rooms.
Fuck Cancer is dedicated to prevention, early detection, and providing emotional support and guidance to those affected by cancer. The organization runs digital and on-the-ground programs and events that seek to change the way people think and talk about cancer, ultimately improving health outcomes.
Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE) is a nonprofit organization that was developed as a means of improving the overall medical care for cancer patients by democratizing cutting edge information on optimal cancer management and providing it directly to patients. We recognized that while there is an overwhelming amount of new information available to physicians, actually more than they could integrate, patients and their families often have a deep interest in their own care and often have the time and motivation to ensure that they are receiving the best treatment possible.
Half Fund is a mission dedicated to lifting the veil on cancer. It is a first-of-its-kind 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity dedicated to spreading cancer education and awareness through the financing of commercially viable, mass media appeal projects. These may include films, books, television shows, or music, and will all help to educate people about the realities of a cancer diagnosis and the treatments that follow.
Hope Lab combines rigorous research with innovative solutions to improve the health and quality of life of young people with chronic illness.
I’m Not Done Yet Foundation helps adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients and survivors live their lives the way they deserve to.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society improves the quality of life of patients and their families by providing support services, helping patients navigate their cancer treatment, and ensuring they have access to quality, affordable and coordinated care.
Life with Cancer offers free educational classes and consultations, support groups, counseling, and mind-body/wellness programs designed to help those affected by cancer understand and live with its impact.
Livestrong Foundation is dedicated to survivorship advocacy, support materials, grant-assistance, online community forums and national visibility to motivate and educate anyone affected by cancer.
National Cancer Institutes Cancer Information Service, a component of the National Institutes of Health, is the Nation’s principal agency for cancer research. Information specialists are available to help answer your cancer-related questions whether you are a patient, family member or friend, health care provider, or researcher.
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship is a survivor-led advocacy organization working to increase access to improved quality care through legislative and public policy change, patient empowerment and educational outreach initiatives.
National LGBT Cancer Network addresses the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people with cancer and those at risk.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is a non-profit alliance of 28 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. NCCN is dedicated to improving and facilitating quality, effective, efficient, and accessible cancer care so patients can live better lives.
Patient Airlift Services (PALS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that arranges free air transportation for individuals requiring medical diagnosis, treatment or follow-up who cannot afford or are unable to fly commercially.
Prevent Cancer Foundation saves lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. The organization aims to reduce the cancer mortality rate by focusing individual behaviors, public policy, and research on prevention and early detection, address all preventable cancers across all populations, make prevention knowledge and early detection services more accessible for people in medically underserved communities, collaborate with partners to maximize the effectiveness and reach of the prevention and early detection programs and message, and create an energizing and productive workplace that people want to join.
Steven G AYA Cancer Research Fund is a non-profit organization. Our purpose is to raise awareness about AYA (adolescent and young adult) cancer and the need for research to find better ways to treat and cure our young people!
Taylor Matthews Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness and funding pediatric cancer research. We fund cutting-edge, innovative research that reaches sick children now. It is our mission that children with cancer will live long, healthy, and productive lives.
Teen Cancer America was formed by legendary rockers Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend of the Who, Teen Cancer America’s (TCA) mission is to improve the experience, outcomes, and survival of teens and young adults with cancer by providing facilities and programs designed especially for them in hospitals throughout the USA.
The Ruth Cheatham Foundation is an advocacy, non-profit organization established to honor and continue the work of a beautiful wife, mother, aunt, and friend Ruth Cheatham. Ruth had a passion for literature, education, and mentoring the youth of North Texas. We strive to continue with that mission by providing educational devices to those battling through treatment and much needed financial support that survivors need to complete their college education.
TrialJectory is a free, patient-friendly platform that helps you find and apply for clinical trials that match your disease profile.
Peer Connection and Caregiver Support Groups
4th Angel provides free and confidential telephone or e-mail support to cancer patients and their caregivers. Trained mentors, who are cancer survivors themselves or caregivers, offer guidance and support.
Cancer Dudes recognized the scarcity of resources geared specifically to men’s unique needs, and was created to provide education and resources in order for men to successfully move past their cancer experience.
Cancer Hope Network provides free one-on-one emotional peer support to adult cancer patients and their loved ones. Each of CHN’s 400+ volunteers is at least one year post-treatment or successfully undergoing maintenance therapies. They have faced more than 80 cancer types and speak 15 languages. Our volunteers offer support from diagnosis, through treatment, and into recovery. Cancer Hope Network serves cancer patients in the United States and Canada.
Cancer Lifeline provides patients and their support teams (family and friends) with free services to help them cope.
Friends 4 Life provides Confidential and cost-free one-on-one support of newly diagnosed and/or loved ones with trained survivors of the same cancer and treatment.
Imerman Angels connects cancer fighters, survivors, caregivers, and those with cancer predisposition with “Mentor Angels” – volunteers who share the same, or similar, experiences. Mentor Angels provide a chance to ask personal questions and receive support from a peer who has been down the same road. The service is absolutely free and available for those touched by any cancer, at any age, living anywhere in the world.
Caregiving Advice believes caregivers of all ages need these three things: Conversation (we need someone who understands us); Connection (someone who can help us); Compassion (someone who can empathize with us).
Dan’s House of Hope helps young adult cancer fighters heal through community, supportive programming, and home-away-from-home services that reduce isolation, decrease financial burdens, and nourish hope. DHOH is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization offering a variety of virtual and live programming activities as well as free B & B style temporary housing to young adult cancer patients during treatment and follow-up care at Houston’s renowned Texas Medical Center hospitals.
Gilda’s Club provides a broad range of services to support those living with cancer. Members include adults and children; those who have a diagnosis of cancer, their loved ones, friends, and co-workers; survivors of cancer and family survivors.
GRYT Health is an award-winning, mobile app-based social community founded by cancer survivors and caregivers who wanted to create a more human approach to helping people live on their own terms. Through the GRYT app, we’ve created a platform for people affected by cancer to connect to others with similar experiences, and to tailored information that helps our users become more aware of options specific to their needs or diagnosis – empowering them to make choices that are right for them.
Humor Beats Cancer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for young adult cancer patients, survivors, and their caregivers to share humorous and poignant stories from their cancer journeys and to get support and joy during this tough time. We also provide care packages to those going through cancer treatment to brighten their days.
Lacuna Loft is a nonprofit organization providing online support programs to young adult cancer survivors and caregivers. The only organization offering diverse online programs regardless of diagnosis and regardless of where they live, Lacuna Loft is changing the way that age-appropriate support is provided to young adults facing cancer. Survival is insufficient and we are here to make sure that survivorship support is available, accessible, and specifically designed for young adults facing cancer.
Mend Together picks up where doctors leave off – a whole ecosystem of tools and resources that help family and friends that want to help know how.
Stupid Cancer a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is the leader in young adult cancer advocacy, research, and support. We create shared experiences by producing life-changing live events and digital content that end isolation, build community, provide education, and foster meaningful relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to empower, support, and improve health outcomes for the young adult cancer community.
The Gathering Place is a cancer support center providing free programs and services for individuals and families coping with the impact of cancer in their lives. The Young Adult programs at The Gathering Place provide opportunities to: Connect with other YAs, Talk about concerns, ask questions, give and receive support, and Socialize. Programs are held at The Gathering Place in Beachwood and Westlake (Northeast Ohio) and in fun venues throughout the community.
Ulman Foundation changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer.
Well Spouse is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization, advocates for and addresses the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse/partner. We offer peer to peer support and educate health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues “well” spouses face every day.
Young Adult Survivors United YASU is the largest community in Western PA for young adult cancer survivors and their co-survivors, providing them the ability to cope and thrive from emotional, social, and financial support under professional guidance and with peers who understand and relate. Virtual support is also available for young adult survivors and co-survivors, regardless of where they live.
Digital Tools
b-there is a free online tool that helps patients and their support network communicate and stay connected, whether they live down the street or across the country. It gives the patient a simple, low-stress way to share status, manage visits and activities, and request needed items.
Ianacare encourages, empowers, and equips family caregivers throughout the whole journey. Their free tool coordinates support. You create your team, and they handle the details IANA=I Am Not Alone
Lotsa Helping Hands creates a care community; easily organize meals and help for friends and family in need.
Meal Train organizes meal giving around significant life events – when many friends make and deliver a meal, this is a meal train. A shared mealtrain calendar and meal instructions answer questions about likes, when available, what they had, allergies, when to drop off
Caring Bridge amplifies the love hope and compassion in the world making health journey easier.
My Lifeline enables cancer patients to build online support and community
Storii Care is an easy to use digital platform to help Senior Care providers offer the best care possible.
This Is Living With Cancer tells the stories of real people who are living with cancer and providing tools and resources like the free LivingWith™ app.
Belong created the Beating Cancer Together App – The world’s largest social network for cancer patients, caregivers, and professionals.
Canceraid Whether you have been recently diagnosed, in treatment or beyond, the free CancerAid app provides you the knowledge, tools, and support to improve life with cancer.
Family Proud ensures no patient need goes unmet – empower patients and families with resources, support and information critical to their care Patients – receive resources and support critical to care; families & supporters – offer support, get answers, stay connected – Share Updates; Care registry (tap into the power of network request specific services), discover resources (financial, tech, education to more effectively manage the burden of care)
Shadows Edge is the first video game designed for teens and young adults to work through their cancer experience.
Mend Together allows patients (or a helper) to register for healing products, services, cash funds, and more. Loved Ones can choose a gift to send or simply donate funds.
Outcomes4Me is the most essential and trusted app in helping breast cancer patients navigate their care. Simply download the app and answer a few questions in regards to your cancer history. Based on your medical records, they will then supply you with personalized tools and resources that you need to get the best outcome possible.
The GRYT App is a platform for people affected by cancer to connect to others with similar experiences, and to tailored information that helps our users become more aware of options specific to their needs or diagnosis – empowering them to make choices that are right for them.
Abridge allows you to record your health care as it happened, so you can take your doctor’s advice home with you. The app pulls out medically relevant concepts from the appointments so it’s easy to go back and review the information or share with your loved ones.
CancerCare’s Meditation App aims to help people affected by cancer manage the symptoms of treatment, let go of anxiety, achieve deep, restful sleep, and stay emotionally balanced. Mobile provides access to comprehensive, oncologist-approved information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). This app includes up-to-date information on 120+ cancer types, including treating cancer, managing side effects, and managing the cost of cancer.
Center for Advancing Health’s App—AfterShock: Facing a Serious Diagnosis helps guide individuals who are recently diagnosed. Using this app, learn more about your diagnosis, treatment options, and ways to better cope with shock. This app includes concise information and trusted resources. For iPhone only.
Health Resources and Services Administration’s “Find a Health Center” App helps find a health center nearby is now easier with the ‘Find a Health Center’ App. By entering a city/state/ZIP or place name, this app will locate federally-funded health centers for you. For the iPhone only.
My Cancer Circle a free, private support community for caregivers of people facing cancer.
CareZone is a comprehensive app for managing overall caregiving duties, including coordination of friends and family, health care record-keeping, and scheduling with a shareable calendar.
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship’s App: Pocket Cancer Care Guide is an iPhone app for you and your family, friends, and loved ones to quickly and easily build lists of practical questions used to guide conversations between you and your doctor.
Nutrition and Wellness
Cook For Your Life provides in-person and online healthy cooking classes in English and in Spanish free of charge. They teach the wider cancer community of patients, caregivers, and survivors how to live better, healthier lives through providing 101 education about healthy food, and by teaching the basic cooking skills needed to succeed in improving diet for better overall health outcomes.
Project Angel Heart was founded in 1991 to address a major challenge for Coloradans who are ill: getting the nutrition they need to get stronger, heal and remain at home. Many are too sick to get to the grocery store or unable to cook for themselves. Others find they have to choose whether to buy food or medication to make ends meet.
Shannon Burrows is a cancer survivor, fitness professional and cancer exercise specialist and Lifestyle and Health Coach. She focuses on helping women with breast cancer take back control of their lives and become the best version of themselves by educating, empowering and inspiring through support, exercise and healthy living from diagnosis and beyond using the S.M.I.L.E Method
Yoga 4 Cancer (y4c) is a specialized yoga methodology that is tailored to address the specific physical and emotional needs left by cancer and its treatments. This unique evidence-based approach is not just gentle or restorative yoga but focuses on how to stimulate the immune system through movement, improve flexibility and strength along with reduced anxiety and boost overall well-being.
Mental Health
Psychology Today helps you find therapists, counseling, and psychologists.
Talkspace connects you with a licensed therapist from the palm of your hand, and experience the most convenient, affordable way to improve your mental health.
Aunt Bertha allows you to search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more.
Embrace The Awkward offers tips and ideas for overcoming the stigma of mental health issues.
Humor Beats Cancer has an awesome blog and tips for blending humor and storytelling.
Tig Notaro is a hilarious breast cancer survivor and comedian.
Geoff Augustine is a lung cancer survivor and comic artist who finds humor in this new and frightening situation. This became his way of coping with the intense emotions and side effects of cancer during eighteen months of treatment.
Care and Comfort
Love Her Hug Her is founded by 3 sisters who have been there as both survivors and supporters. Together they bring comfort and well-being to the Survivors’ Mind, Body, and Spirit with curated care packages.
Carebetter helps find the right products for yourself or a loved one experiencing cancer, and make treatment as comfortable and hope-filled as possible. These products have been vetted and recommended by others who have been down this road.
Fleece and Thank You is dedicated to providing connection, comfort, and hope through its innovative programs, services, and materials to children facing illness and their families supporting them. Their goal is to provide every child facing hospital treatments with a colorful, comfortable fleece blanket and a video message of support from its maker.
CanPlan a planner made to help you fight cancer day-by-day.
Dammit Dolls whackable stress dolls to make you feel better.
Em and Friends make products that speak to the human condition with honesty, humor, and heart. Their cards are designed for the relationships we really have, and their mission is to help people connect when they’re not sure what to say.
The Bags of Love Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on helping kids who are going through cancer by providing the support and love needed to get through it all. Love conquers all. Let’s do our part to help give hope to those who need it most.
Financial Help
The Atrium Foundation is founded by 3x cancer survivor Dorothy Paredes and strives to provide financial support to those affected by cancer, bring awareness of the emotional trauma of cancer, and to drive change at the heart of oncology care plans to include mental health and wellness.
Cancer+Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their work environment by providing expert advice, interactive tools, and educational events.
CancerCare is the leading national organization providing free, professional support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical, and financial challenges of cancer. Our comprehensive services include counseling and support groups over the phone, online and in-person, educational workshops, publications, and financial and co-payment assistance. All CancerCare services are provided by oncology social workers and world-leading cancer experts.
Caring Info provides advanced health care directives templates
DAM-CANCER Foundation DAM-Cancer provides financial assistance to AYA cancer patients who are in active treatment for cancer. Since 2009, DAM-CANCER has given more than 450 grants for living expenses to young adult cancer patients fighting the disease. An application may be obtained by sending an email request to [email protected].
Feather Foundation provides financial, emotional, and practical support to parents who have cancer. They provide help towards childcare-related costs, online groups, guidance and tips on parenting with cancer and self-care with cancer, and resources of other assistance available for parents with cancer.
Family Reach is a national organization dedicated to eradicating the financial barriers that accompany a cancer diagnosis, a widespread issue known as Cancer-Related Financial Toxicity (CRFT). They work with patients and healthcare professionals at more than 400 top-tier hospitals and cancer centers, striving to reach more families before they hit critical financial breaking points.
National Cancer Legal Services Network (NCLSN) promotes access to healthcare and seeks to increase the availability of legal services for people living with cancer, their families, and caregivers. Through direct work, educational efforts, and advocacy, this multidisciplinary coalition helps to alleviate the legal and economic consequences of cancer so that those affected may focus on their medical care and quality of life. The NCLSN supports the efforts of individuals and organizations focused on meeting the legal needs of the cancer-affected community. It augments the voice of disparate services, creates a forum for established and nascent legal advocacy groups, and facilitates the development of similar programs.
Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through events, materials, and resources. A cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering event, not only for the individual diagnosed, but also for an individual’s family, friends, caregivers, and community of support. Triage Cancer helps people move beyond diagnosis.
US Department of Health and Human Services provides information and resources in regards to health insurance and coverage options.
Disease-Specific Resources
AIM At Melanoma provides comprehensive online melanoma information for patients and caregivers, supports melanoma research; and promotes prevention and education among the general public and medical professionals.
A Ballsy Sense of Tumor Cracking the Nut on Testicular Cancer Awareness and Men’s Health Through Humor. A Ballsy Sense of Tumor has three primary goals: To promote conversation about men’s health in society through humor, awareness, and education, to portray an open and honest look at what it means to be a cancer survivor, and to provide a patient-friendly resource for the newly diagnosed, other testicular cancer patients/survivors, and their families.
American Brain Tumor Association focuses on advancing the understanding and treatment of brain tumors with the goal of improving the lives of those impacted by a brain tumor diagnosis. They do this through interactions and engagements with brain tumor patients and their families, collaborations with allied groups and organizations, and the funding of brain tumor research. Services include telephone and email support for brain tumor information and resources, one-on-one peer mentoring program, online support community, educational brochures, monthly webinar series, in-person conferences, and networking opportunities, and more.
Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network (BMT InfoNet) is a leading advocacy organization for bone marrow, stem cell, and cord blood transplant patients. Founded in 1990, BMT InfoNet has pioneered a vast array of services to help transplant patients make critical decisions throughout their transplant journey.
Handful is owned by women, powered by women, and united by a passion for encouraging all women to grab life by the handful. Handful’s year-round charitable giving is focused on the 12.5% of women (the 1 in 8) who will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the US each year.
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent organization devoted to melanoma. Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, the MRF also educates patients and physicians about prevention, diagnosis, and the treatment of melanoma. The MRF is an active advocate for the melanoma community, helping to raise awareness of this disease and the need for a cure. The MRF’s website is the premier source for melanoma information seekers.
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link supports and informs people about their cancer diagnosis and the bone marrow/stem cell transplant process through personalized support is at the core of the mission of the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link.
The Dragonfly Angel Society is a mother-daughter team also known as the caregiver and survivor duo. Our story begins with a breast cancer diagnosis back in 2010. Finding amazing resources and meeting other survivors and caregivers showered light on the journey. The struggle to find survivorship and caregiver resources was almost more difficult than going through cancer treatment. From books to websites, nutrition links, organizations, events and so much more, survivors can now find the details all in one place.
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) is dedicated to fighting the world’s toughest cancer. In our urgent mission to save lives, we attack pancreatic cancer on all fronts: research, clinical initiatives, patient services, and advocacy. Our effort is amplified by a nationwide network of grassroots support. We are determined to dramatically improve patient outcomes.
Childhood Cancer
Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2) effectively advances a variety of childhood cancer causes by unifying the childhood cancer community through broad-based coordinated action and collaboration that leverages the strengths and expertise of its individual members and minimizes duplication of effort.
Gold in September raises awareness and inspires action for childhood cancer initiatives for every child, everywhere. Childhood cancer is an urgent health crisis, even for those who are surviving. G9 believes there is hope. G9 is inspiring the world to #growGOLD far and wide to raise awareness and give optimism to every child, everywhere until better cures for cancer are found. Growing gold shows the world you want to do something about the future of survival for all kids diagnosed with cancer. We are all impacted by childhood cancer.
Momcology is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to extending the benefits of the community by providing reciprocal (mutual giving and receiving) peer support models for childhood cancer families. We provide modern and intuitive national platforms for primary caregivers to connect with each other, support one another, seek current and timely information, and begin the long-term healing process after a childhood cancer diagnosis through a strong, resilient, and educated peer support community.
Soccer for the Future is a nonprofit that provides soccer programming for pediatric cancer survivors, patients, and their siblings and we use the game of soccer to teach short term goal-setting skills. Create a safe place for kids experiencing cancer to gain the confidence and skills to play soccer and succeed in their goal-setting endeavors.
Books and Blogs
J.L. Barker JoAnna Barker is a 20- something who defeated cancer and wrote a book about it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then you’ll find multiple references to books and movies that she somehow related to cancer. Don’t be fooled, if you don’t have cancer you’ll still love this book. It’s a great read for people with cancer, people who love people with cancer, and people who just want to know how to relate. We hope you enjoy this reading journey. Trust us, it’s not what you’ll expect!
Mette de Fine Licht (Willpower Girl) Teenage cancer survivor, author, blogger and speaker Mette de Fine Licht has written 10 books, including the memoir, Willpower Girl — A Teenager’s Trek Through Cancer. The book is a rare insight into a teenage cancer patient’s mind with all the fear, doubt and longing for a normal teenage life.
Negative Space is inspired by the art concept of negative space, defined as the space around and between a subject, Allison Breininger’s site is dedicated to shining light on caregivers who are often unseen and underappreciated, but are essential components of the patients’ well-being. At she writes honestly and openly about the realities of caregiving and by doing so creates a safe community for caregivers to feel seen, heard, and appreciated.
The Caregiver Space Share your hard-earned lessons and let your voice be heard.
Elephants & Tea The elephant in the room is cancer. Tea is the relief conversation provides (magazine print and online). Elephants and Tea is a media company with the mission to help adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors, and caregivers experience relief through self-expression, inspiring others during their cancer journey, and connecting people with supportive organizations across the nation. It has the only magazine written for and by AYA cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers telling their story in their own words.
The Jester Has Lost His Jingle This N.Y. Times best-selling picture book takes The Jester & Pharley to unexpected places where they hope laughter lurks – the hot desert, snow-covered mountains, steep tree-dotted cliffs, flower-filled meadows, under the sea, deep in the heavens, in a grim city where no one smiles and everyone seems miserable. But The Jester & Pharley refuse to give up. They can’t imagine a world without laughter. Outside a hospital, The Jester reminds Pharley that: It’s up to us to make a difference. It’s up to us to care.
Bee You Wigs philosophy is simple. You can create your own kind of beautiful. Pastel-colored, pixie, mermaid, whatever hairstyle you’ve ever wanted they can make it specialized to you. Each and every wig is made by hand. If you have Alopecia, going through cancer treatments, thinning, or are just wanting a new look. If you can think it, they can create it. For every ten wigs purchased we will be giving away a custom wig to someone in need.
Sephora Stands stands with those facing major life transitions. Discover techniques and products that address the visible effects of cancer treatments in a fun, hands-on beauty class. Get skincare tips tailored to your needs, then get matched with Color IQ and receive step-by-step instructions for a radiant complexion, natural-looking brows, and defined eyes.
Thrive Causemetics was born out of a friendship. Makeup artist and product developer, Karissa Bodnar, lost her dear friend Kristy to cancer at just 24 years old. Kristy’s compassionate and vivacious spirit inspired Karissa to establish Thrive Causemetics, a beauty brand, and philosophy that goes beyond skin deep by empowering women.
Camps and Retreats
Camp Mak A Dream If you are between 18-39, have navigated a cancer diagnosis and are ready to spend a week with others like you, then you’re ready for Base2Summit. B2S is designed to build meaningful connections while engaging in adventure-based challenges intended to meet you at your “base” and guide you toward your “summit.”
Camp Kesem is a national non-profit organization that supports kids 6-18 who have been impacted by a parent’s cancer, whether that parent/primary caregiver currently has cancer, is in remission, or passed away from cancer. Kesem is the largest national organization dedicated to supporting children impacted by a parent’s cancer, at no cost to families. Our innovative and fun-filled programs provide children with peers who understand their unique needs, and create long-lasting impact.
Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation supports young adults with cancer from the beginning of their battle to life beyond cancer. Engaging in support groups involving peer interaction, especially young adult cancer camps, can provide them with tools that will help them manage the emotional side of their battle and allow them to feel like they are back in charge of their own life.
Casting for Recovery (CfR) provides healing outdoor retreats for women with breast cancer, at no cost to the participants. CfR’s retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life, and experience healing connections with other women and nature. The retreats are open to women with breast cancer of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery. For over 20 years, women from all walks of life have benefitted from CfR’s inspiring program model.
Epic Experience Cancer Survivorship is more than follow-up appointments, blood tests, and scans; it’s about living life to the fullest beyond cancer. Epic Experience empowers adult cancer survivors to do just that through free week-long adventures in the Colorado Rockies. Our Mission – Epic Experience empowers adult cancer survivors and thrivers to live beyond cancer.
First Descents brings the healing power of adventure to young adults living with and surviving cancer. Through destination week-long programs and local multi and single-day programs, First Descents empowers participants to adventure beyond their diagnosis, defy their cancer, and connect with others doing the same.
Live by Living is a non-profit in Colorado that offers guided outdoor adventures along the Denver area Front Range and in the central Colorado Rockies (hikes, ski tours, snowshoe tours, and overnight trips to cozy cabins).
Oncology and Kids (OAK) – Oncology And Kids provides children and young adults the resources they need through their journey.
Project Koru enriches lives through community and the outdoors as a way to move forward after cancer. The Koru spiral is shaped like an unfurling fern frond. It symbolizes new life, growth, strength, and peace – the very channels of energy we aim to inspire for survivors at our camps. We envision a world of empowered young adult cancer survivors.
Still Waters Cancer Retreat At the intersection of faith and cancer, Still Waters provides a space for those touched by cancer to process, connect, and worship.
True North Treks helps teens & young adults with cancer find direction through connection after the very dis-connecting experience cancer can bring. We fulfill our mission through implementing unique and supportive healthcare programs and services that are not available anywhere else. With a little help and guidance from the STARS, we do this through Skills Training, Advocacy, Resources and Support.
Dear Jack Foundation‘s Breathe Now wellness retreats are open to young adult cancer survivors and their partners who are one to three years removed from their last date of treatment. This thoughtfully designed four-day retreat program harnesses the transformational powers of yoga, meditation and psychosocial breakout sessions. The retreats are professionally guided and designed to help each couple renew, learn, and grow as they live their lives together post-cancer.
Romantic Partnership Services
Wish Upon A Wedding is a nationwide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which has granted weddings and vow renewals to couples facing serious illness or life-altering health circumstances — at no cost to them. They are a nationwide, volunteer-run organization, comprised primarily of wedding and event professionals, who dedicate their time, energy, expertise, and love to granting wedding ceremonies and vow renewals to deserving couples nationwide, that they may celebrate their love with their closest family and friends — at NO cost to them.